First of all, welcome to a great club with likeminded people who love their Mustangs. Being a club member, you will be entitled to obtain Victorian Logbook Club Permit Scheme plates for your car if it is 25 years or older. The club will only take on new cars to the scheme if you own a Mustang. Hopefully, this information package should assist you in working out whether the scheme is for you and the procedures required by you.
At first instance, whether your car is unregistered or currently registered then you will need to obtain a roadworthy certificate which is good for 30 days from the date of issue. You will then need to contact one of the scheme officers to book the scheme inspection date and time. If you are not yet a member your membership will need to be tabled, so don’t rush in with your RWC or it may expire before you are able to apply for the scheme. Once you have your club member number you can ring a club inspection officer.
Vic Roads information
At the inspection we will then check the vehicle, VIN and engine number, take photographs of your car and sign and stamp your completed VicRoads Club Permit Scheme scheme application form & Vehicle Eligibility form (available on VicRoads website) and complete the contract between yourself and the club regarding the use of the permit which will include that you keep the car in a roadworthy condition and that you attend at least four functions throughout the year. We will need to see your current club lanyard as you need to be a financial member. If the vehicle has not been registered before then we will need to sight your Import (DOTARS) approval or sight previous registration records, if you do not have these you will need receipts of ownerships so that these can be checked. If your vehicle has been imported after the 1st of July 2021 then a 17 character VIN number is required. (see below) The use of the vehicle and log book will be explained to you.
So that the club knows that you understand the log book scheme, you will be asked to sign a contract between yourself and the club.
If your vehicle is modified have a read of Vic Roads, Vehicle Standard Information sheet No. 8 & 33 (VSI 8 & 33) to make sure your car does not exceed those standards or an engineer’s report (VASS Certificate) will be required prior to authorisation to go on the scheme. Have a look at . If your vehicle is built after 1968 and has been imported and never registered in Australia, then it also will need a VASS certificate. Likewise if it has been converted from Left hand drive to Right hand drive or if there is brake, chassis, transmission, engine or diff changes. This is why you’ll need to read the VSI’s and understand them. Have a talk to the inspection officer about this when first booking the inspection in.
After inspection, your paperwork can then be taken to VicRoads for the issue of Club Permit Scheme log book, permit certificate, windscreen label and 2 plates. You will not need to take the car to VicRoads and there is no stamp duty to be paid. You do not need to make an appointment for registration, which is another saving of $48.00.
The plates issued to you from VicRoads are the plates in which you must attach to the front and rear of the car. Sticker or manufactured number plates are not allowed.
You will need to contact your inspection officer with the plate numbers after they have been issued to your vehicle so that our database can be updated and your contract can be supplied to you.
Your log book will be issued to you with a label for the windscreen and a permit certificate to be attached inside your log book. The cost for 90 days use for one year including log book and plates is about $136. 45 days is also offered which can be extended another 45 days. 90 day permits cannot be extended. If your vehicle was submitted with VASS certificates, then “M” plates will be issued and the system works in exactly the same way. You should carry the VASS Certificate when using the vehicle.
Each year you will need to renew your permit with a co-ordinator’s approval but you will not be required to attend an inspection or RWC for this, only a signature and a stamp is required on your renewal slip. Annual inspections will be conducted at club events such as runs and shows etc, throughout the year. You need to hold a current club membership for the club scheme plates to be valid so annual subscriptions will need to be paid up before the end of June each year.
It is a simple process and many members have found the reward in costs and flexibility that the system provides. Given the significant benefits and modest fees, users of the scheme must consider it a privilege rather than a right. So please, don’t abuse it.
Remember to inform your insurer that you are on the scheme and a Mustang Owners Club of Aust. Member. The insurance should be cheaper than normal. Shannons is our recommended insurer.
Frequently Asked Questions on the Victorian Logbook Club Permit Scheme
The following questions and answers have been prepared by the AOMC Executive from issues and questions raised in general forum with Victoria Police and VicRoads over a long period..
The Title of ” Victorian Logbook Club Permit Scheme” refers to a series of changes introduced by VicRoads to take effect on 1 February 2011. The regulations: Road Safety (Vehicles) Amendment (Club Permit) Regulations 2010 under which the Scheme operates, may be downloaded from the AOMC web site in text form. Refer also to the instructions provided with your logbook.
The Victorian Logbook Club Permit Scheme is administered by VicRoads under the VicRoads Business Rules. Victoria Police ensures compliance with the scheme.
Some issues of the Scheme may not be specifically addressed in the Regulations and VicRoads Business Rules and so may be open to the subjective interpretation and consequently fall within a “grey area”.
As a consequence, where the interpretation is unclear, the AOMC recommends that the permit holder take a conservative position !!
Given the significant benefits and modest fees, users of the scheme must consider it a privilege rather than a right. Abuse of the scheme could result in far reaching implications to the individual, their club and the Permit Scheme in general, such as:
Fines for driving an unregistered vehicle, or
Loss of your individual Club Permit, or
Loss of your club’s authority to operate the Club Permit Scheme, or
Cancellation of the Club Permit Scheme for all enthusiasts.
Because of the above implications, the club requires you to undergo a contract before your club scheme will be issued to your vehicle. You will be required to attend at least four events throughout the year.
The introduction of the logbook scheme also places conditions on Clubs and individual club members to ensure the intent of the scheme. To this end, Authorised Clubs have been required to enter into an agreement with VicRoads. In general, the Logbook Club Permit Scheme applies to vehicles 25 years and older with a rolling 25 year cut off.
In summary, the Logbook CPS requires that :
– The holder is a financial member of a club,
– The vehicle is safe and roadworthy,
– The vehicle is not used for any form of commercial purpose,
– A logbook entry is made if the vehicle moves more than 100 metres from the vehicle’s garage address.
Note a “day” in a logbook entry is from 12 midnight to 12 midnight.
Attached are some frequently asked questions about the scheme. This is advice from the Association of Motoring Clubs Inc. (AOMC) Victoria in which your club is a member of. If you do not understand any part of the scheme, then you should seek advice from a club permit officer,
Q1. May I use my Club Permit Vehicle for a family wedding?
A. Yes, the logbook requires an entry. Note that a CPS vehicle cannot be used for hire or reward hence a regular business in wedding transport is not permitted.
Q2. Can I tow a trailer with a Club Permit Vehicle?
A.1 Passenger car or derivative (see also Q.33):
Yes, subject to normal rules for the registration and towing of trailers eg. weight, coupling, lighting, speed limits etc. If a towed trailer obscures the number plate of the towing vehicle there is a requirement that the registration number of the towing vehicle is displayed by painting or otherwise on the rear of the towed vehicle. Trailer owners are also able to order a “Trailer Exempt” plate from VicRoads. (Revised 1.2.11)
A2. Commercial vehicle (truck) , see Q3 below:
Q3. Can a (semi) trailer be placed on the CPS?
A. Yes. A heavy trailer (semi trailer, dog trailer etc) can be listed as a CPS vehicle in its own right providing it meets the 25 year rule and roadworthy requirements. (Revised 1.2.11)
Q4. Can a learner driver operate a Club Permit Vehicle?
A. Yes, subject to the normal rules for learner drivers.
Q5. Why have I not received a renewal notice for my Club Permit vehicle?
A. It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure a permit is renewed. The Club Permit Scheme is stored on a separate computer system to the general VicRoads data files and hence if you should change your address for a fully registered vehicle, or a Driver’s Licence, then a separate advice is still required for a Club Permit vehicle.
Q6. Can a modified vehicle be used under the Club Permit scheme?
A. Yes, provided the vehicle is in a safe condition. In some cases an Engineer’s Certificate might be required. Note that the CPS must not be considered a method of driving an unsafe or unroadworthy vehicle.
Q7. Under what conditions may I test my Club Permit Vehicle?
A. It is the owner/driver’s responsibility to maintain the vehicle in a safe condition. A logbook entry is required for any testing or “exercising” of the vehicle, where the vehicle is operated more than 100m from the listed garaged address. (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q8. May my mechanic (repair garage) test drive my vehicle?
A. Yes. A logbook entry by the driver will be required for any testing of the vehicle if an entry has not already been made for that day. See also Q7 and Q36. (Revised 27.9.13)
Q9. May I drive my Club Permit Vehicle interstate.
A. Yes. But note that at this stage Western Australia may still require a separate WA permit for travel in that state ? (The status of new Logbook CPS in WA is yet to be clarified)
Q10. Our club has a display day at a Swap Meet. May I carry a load of spare parts in my Club Permit Vehicle to sell at the Swap Meet?
A. No. Club Permit Vehicles must not be used for carrying goods for hire or for personal or business gain.
Q11. My CH number plate has been damaged. How can I replace it?
A. Duplicate number plates can be ordered either by contacting VicRoads Telephone Information Service on 131171 or by presenting the damaged plate, and evidence of identity at a VicRoads’ Customer Service Centre. A fee will apply for the replacement plate(s). (Revised 1.2.11)
Q12. Can I have two garage addresses listed for my CH plated vehicle?
A. Legislation and VicRoads rules stipulate only one address however you may have the vehicle garage address different from your residential address (and for service of notices).
Q13. I want to put my bike rack on my CH vehicle, can I get another small bike plate for the rack?
A. Bike rack number plates are available for club permit vehicles.
Q14. Can a Club get a list of owners of CH vehicles in their club from VicRoads?
A. A statement has recently been added to club permit applications and renewals, authorising VicRoads to provide information to the clubs about vehicles linked to their clubs through the club permit scheme. (However, VicRoads will not be in a position to provide that information to the clubs until all permit holders have signed the authorisation over the next 12 months.) (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q15. What are the limits to modifications permitted to CH vehicles?
A. Vehicle Standards Information publication (VSI 8), available from the VicRoads book shop, provides guidance. Heavily modified vehicles may need an Engineer’s Certificate.
Q16. Can I sell my vehicle with CH plate and can the CH plate be transferred to the new owner?
A. Yes provided the new owner is a member of the same club and the plates will be re-issued for the same vehicle. The vehicle will need to be re-permitted to the new owner by submitting a new application, safety inspection or Certificate of Roadworthiness and the appropriate fees. (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q17. Does the driver of the CH plated vehicle need to be the permit holder?
A. No.
Q18. Can L plate or P plate drivers operate a RHD CH plated vehicle?
A. Yes, but note that the vehicle insurers may impose restrictions on drivers of vehicles less than 30 years old.
Q19. Can L plate or P plate drivers operate a LHD CH plated vehicle?
A. Yes, but as the driver’s visibility may be restricted, caution should be exercised. Note that the vehicle insurers may impose restrictions on drivers of vehicles less than 30 years old. (Revised 1.2.2011 and 21.10.2011)
Q20. I belong to two clubs authorised to operate the Club Permit Scheme. My CH plated vehicle is recorded by one club. Can I have another 90 day Logbook issued through my other club?
A. No, only one Logbook per vehicle! A member of more than one club may have various vehicles listed with certain clubs but dual listing of a vehicle is not permitted.
Q21. Our club is authorised to operate the Club Permit Scheme. We have original vehicles over 25 years old on the scheme. We also have members with replicas of these vehicles that were made only 5 years ago. Can these replicas operate under the CPS?
A. Yes, provided the replica is of a vehicle originally manufactured at least 25 years ago.
Q22. Can I park my CH plated vehicle in the street on any day when it is not used?
A. Yes, but this would require an entry in the logbook. You may temporarily “shuffle” CPS vehicles in and out of your property up to a distance of 100m without need for a Logbook entry. Note that if you were to leave your vehicle parked in the street more than 100m from its garaged address for a number of days then this would require a logbook entry for each day! (Revised 1.2.11)
Q23. I purchased my vehicle unregistered and in pieces. What paperwork is needed to put my vehicle on the Club Perrmit Scheme?
A. Firstly, refer to the Club Permit Scheme handbook for the general requirements of the CPS.
You must have:
– the CPS Application Form completed and endorsed by the duly authorised officer of your club confirming that you are a current member.
– personal ID and evidence and that you own the vehicle.
– a current Roadworthiness Certificate or Club Statement of Safety.
You should also have:
– proof that the vehicle was previously registered or club permitted in Victoria eg. registration certificate or CP. If the vehicle has not been registered or permitted in Australia, and the vehicle was imported after 1989, then Import Approval and Customs Import documents identifying the vehicle need to be produced.
If you cannot supply the previous registration details but are certain that the vehicle was registered in Australia then it is recommended you provide a formal Statutory Declaration attesting to the information (including registration, engine and chassis numbers where possible). The results of an Engine Number search of the AOMC Engine Number Records for Victoria might be useful.
Generally, as with other VicRoads permits, there should be no need to present the vehicle for inspection at the time of applying for the Club Permit but in the event of dispute you should be able to have the vehicle available for either a VicRoads or VASS inspection. (Revised 1.2.11)
Q24. I have a bus on the CPS. May I use it to carry passengers?
A. Commercial vehicles (including trucks & buses) are not permitted to carry goods for hire or reward. It is permissible to carry club member vehicles to events free of charge. Note that if a bus (including a CPS vehicle) carries 12 or more passengers plus driver it comes under Bus Regulations which require annual inspections by authorised inspectors. The owner of the vehicle may also have insurance responsibilities as part of “The Duty of Care”
It should also be noted that some heavy vehicles are subject to heavy vehicle fatigue laws, regardless of whether they are carrying a load or passengers for hire or reward. The operator of a heavy vehicle that is defined as “fatigue regulated heavy vehicle” is required to complete a “work diary” as well as the club permit log book when the vehicle is in use.
(1) A heavy vehicle is a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle if it is any of the following—
(a) a motor vehicle with a GVM of more than 12 tonnes; or
(b) a combination with a GVM of more than 12 tonnes; or
(c) a bus.
(2) However, a heavy vehicle is not a fatigue regulated heavy vehicle if it is any of the following—
(a) a tram; or
(b) a motor vehicle that—
(i) is built, or has been modified, primarily to operate as a machine or implement off-road, on a road-related area, or on an area of road that is under construction; and
(ii) is not capable of carrying goods or passengers by road; or
(c) a motor home.. (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q25. I attend various car shows and displays on behalf of my employer. My vehicle is on the CPS and is displayed with advertising at the Trade Stall of my employer. Is this permitted?
A. The “no commercial use” requirement refers to carrying loads or passengers for commercial gain. VicRoads policy does not prohibit vehicles being painted and operated, or used as static advertisement, to promote a business. (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q26. I have purchased an unregistered 26 year old LHD vehicle from overseas. What paperwork is needed to put my vehicle on the Club Permit Scheme?
A. See answer 23 above. Also, if there is no evidence of the vehicle previously being registered in Australia, then you may be required to supply an Engineer’s Report attesting that it meets the relevant Australian standards. The vehicle may need to be presented for inspection at VicRoads.
Q27. Our club has signed an agreement with VicRoads to operate under the scheme. It requires the club to advise VicRoads of unfinancial members. Does this mean all unfinancial members or only those with CPS vehicles?
A. Only those unfinancial members with CPS vehicles managed by your club.
Q28. Under our present Club constitution unfinancial members do not cease to be members until after 3 months from the end of the club’s financial year. When must we advise VicRoads?
A. In the above mentioned example at the end of the financial year plus 3 months. However as some clubs may have differing rules in relation to membership, VicRoads needs to be notified when the club concerned considers the permit holder to no longer be a club member. (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q29. I used to operate a transport business. I have since retired and the company has been wound up. I have retained some of my early trucks which are still signwritten with my company name. Can I keep the signage on the vehicles if they are on the CPS?
A. Yes, see Answer 25 above. (Revised 1.2.2011)
Q30. Are annual roadworthiness inspections of CPS vehicles required?
A. No, VicRoads do not require annual roadworthy inspections. Clubs may carry out annual inspections as a condition of membership.
Q31. Who is to be responsible in our club for managing our club permit vehicles?
A. In the first instance, your club Committee is responsible. It is recommended that the committee appoint a “Registrar” or “Permit Officer” who shall be authorised to sign off new club permit applications and renewals confirming the applicant is a financial member of the club. He/she shall also keep records of those vehicles on the CPS in the club that can be audited, if so requested by VicRoads. The signature(s) of those club official(s) authorised to sign off on a club permit must be registered with VicRoads.
Q32. Why must our Club Permit Officer sight the Roadworthy Certificate (RWC) or club Attestation of Safety for a new application for a club permit?
A. This is intended to preclude the possibility of an applicant submitting a false Attestation of Safety to VicRoads (where a vehicle might not otherwise pass a RWC).
Q33. Must my trailer be fully registered when towed by a CPS vehicle?
A. Reference to a VicRoads leaflet on trailers states:
The Road Safety Act requires most trailers to be registered to be allowed on public roads. Exceptions to this are: small trailers which are not boat trailers and are not used for commercial purposes, and which weigh less than 200 kg unloaded, are less than 3.0 m overall length (including any load) and are narrower than the towing vehicle. All trailers must have a number plate on the back. Trailers not registered with their own plate must use the number of the towing vehicle. (New 2.2.11)
Q34. Only a single number plate is normally issued for Veteran and Vintage vehicles; where should it be placed?
A. The location of a single CPS plate is not defined by VicRoads but the AOMC recommends that it be attached to the rear of the vehicle. This is consistent with the use of a Trade Plate.
Q35. I plan to purchase a vehicle (which is on full registration at present) and put it onto the CPS. Can I transfer the ownership from the previous owner direct to the CPS and avoid paying Stamp Duty?
A. Yes. You can transfer direct to CPS without incurring Stamp Duty (CPS vehicles are not required to pay Stamp Duty) providing the vehicle meets the CPS requirements (age, new owner is a member of a Vicroads Authorised Club) and a Roadworthy Certificate, sighted by the Club registrar, (or Club approval letter) is submitted with the application. Note that the first owner should cancel the registration (and claim any credits) and the second owner will then place the unregistered vehicle on the CPS.
Q36. How should the logbook be filled in when I drive the CPS vehicle in the morning to an event and my partner drives it home later?
A. Only the first signature is needed for the day. Subsequent drivers on that day (eg. repair shop) are not required to fill in an entry. If travel extends into the next day (past midnight) a new day entry is required. (Updated 27.9.13)
Q37. Can a financial member of a CPS club transfer their CPS vehicle to another CPS club if required?
A. Yes. Normally this could be done at renewal time by deleting the club noted on the renewal form and inserting the proposed club and having the “new” club authorise the renewal before payment at VicRoads.In the event of a change being required at another time, the owner should approach the proposed club (of which they are already a member) to request the change. A letter to VicRoads from the “new” club’s CPS Officer / Secretary detailing the change, with supporting information, should allow the member to obtain a revised CPS logbook insert to be fixed to the inside front cover from VicRoads. As this is an administrative change only and the vehicle is already in the CPS with the same owner there should not be a requirement for a club inspection or Roadworthy Certificate. The “old” club would need to advise VicRoads of the deletion of the CPS vehicle from “old” club listing.
Note: The “new” club may have a policy of requiring an “unknown” vehicle transferring from another club undergo a club safety check or Roadworthy Certificate. (Added 1.12.2011 revised 10.11.14)
Q38. I plan to put my Dual fuel (petrol/LPG) vehicle on the CPS. The LPG system is an aftermarket installation. Is this possible and what are the requirements?
A. Yes. The Roadworthy Inspection requirements, required by the majority of vehicle clubs for entry into the CPS, cover LPG installations (sections F, J & K of VicRoads VIS Bulletin 26) and, in turn, cover this situation. (Added 1.12.2011)
Q39. I am repainting my truck prior to putting it on the CPS. Do I need to have the Tare & Gross ratings stated on the vehicle?
A. No. The requirement to have vehicle mass ratings shown on the vehicle was deleted from the regulations some time ago. (The vehicle certification plate, if applicable, shows vehicle ratings) (Added 1.12.2011)
Q40. A club member has put his vehicle back on full registration after being on the CPS. What should happen to the Club Permit number plates, do they have to be returned to VicRoads?
A. Return of number plates to VicRoads is not mandatory but is recommended to prevent future incorrect or illegal use. This should be by the holder of plates. It should be noted that CPS plates are not assigned to an individual or club, they remain the property of VicRoads. Note that Refunds are not available for club permits if the period for which the permit was obtained has commenced. (Added 1.12.2011, revised 26.1.12)
Q41. What arrangements are in place to allow cross border membership?
e.g. A member of a Victorian CPS club is resident in New South Wales and wishes to have entry to the NSW Conditional Registration Scheme for an eligible vehicle garaged in NSW.
A. The Victorian club/branch should apply to the NSW Road Traffic Authority (now titled Roads and Maritime Services) for entry onto the NSW Historic Conditional Registration Scheme. This requires supply of the (Association’s) Incorporation Number, Club constitution and other items to RTA to attain authorisation. Clubs should be aware of the differences in eligible vehicle age and use between Victorian & NSW.
Similarly, VicRoads require that interstate clubs be authorised by them to allow Victorian members of NSW clubs with eligible vehicles garaged in Victoria to operate under the Victorian CPS. (Added 26.1.12)
Q42. Which VicRoads offices have CPS plates available on site?
A. Vicroads advise the following offices keep plates in stock. Other offices will have to submit applications and have plates posted. Bendigo, Broadmeadows, Bundoora, Burwood, Carlton, Frankston, Geelong, Mildura, Morwell, Sunshine, Warrnambool, Wodonga. (Added 27.1.12)
Q.43 What are the requirements for a Club and a Member’s family when the holder of a Club Permit dies?
A. VicRoads advise that it is the Club’s responsibility to advise VicRoads in writing of the death of a Club Permit holding member and the termination of financial membership of the Club. Similarly, the CP holder’s family/estate administrator should also advise VicRoads of the death of the CP Holder. In the case of a spouse, VicRoads will update the existing club permit into the name of the surviving spouse, for this to occur, VicRoads must be provided with: – A statutory declaration stating the permit holder is deceased and that the person seeking the permit to be transferred is the spouse of the deceased person, and – A letter from the Club Secretary confirming that the spouse to whom the permit is to be transferred is a current financial member of the club. In addition to the above, the administrators of the estate of the CP holder should obtain a copy of the VicRoads publication Deceased Estate Pack. (July 2016)
Q44. Does the driver of the CPS vehicle need to be a member of a CPS authorised club?
A. Vicroads advise that there is no requirement that a driver of a vehicle operating on a club permit must be a financial member of a vehicle club. The regulations clearly emphasize that permit holders must be and remain current financial members of an approved club. (See Reg 155) (Note that the instructions in the logbook require that the driver sign the logbook) (Added 14.10.14)
Q45. Does a Motorhome vehicle operating under the CPS interstate and Victoria need to have a logbook entry for each day?
A. Yes, the logbook must have an entry for every day that the vehicle is used on public roads (or on any roads that require a full registration). When a Motorhome is located on a private campsite then no logbook entry is necessary. Note that many Shire or Council owned campgrounds and reserves may be deemed to be on a public road, similarly for State Forests and National Parks. If in doubt, it would be wise to make a logbook entry. (Added 14.10.14)
Q46. Is a logbook entry required when a Victorian CPS vehicle operates in Western Australia?
A. No, Western Australian legislation currently does not recognise the Victorian Club Permit Scheme and Victorian vehicles must be used under a temporary WA permit. Therefore, no entry is required in the Victorian logbook while operating in WA under a WA temporary permit. (Added 14.10.14)
Check the AOMC website for recent changes
Q.61 I am attending a club rally over a few days. Can I pre-fill some entries in my CPS log book to cover the period of the rally?
A. No. Regulation 157(6) of the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009 does not allow permit holders to complete or partially complete entries in a log book which relate to a future day. This means, no entry can be made relating to a day other than the current day of use. Completion of a future date entry (full entry or partial) constitutes a breach of the log book obligations established by Regulation 157 and could be considered a breach of club permit conditions (regulation 157A). It should be noted that if a breach of log book conditions occurs, VicRoads could suspend the permit (reg. 157E (b)) on the grounds that a log book condition has not been complied with. (Added April 2016)
Q.62 My Club has a Family Membership class; can one of my children (who falls within the Family Membership class), put an eligible vehicle on the CPS in his own name (or does he need to pay dues for his own individual club membership)?
A. For the purposes of Part 3.4 of the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009, Regulation 155 of the above regulations allows a person “who is a financial member of an approved club to apply for a club permit for an eligible vehicle”. “Financial member” is defined in section 152 to mean “a current member who has paid any applicable membership dues for the relevant period”. Thus, it is the Club that determines what dues are applicable. Provided the club considers the person to be a member without dues owing, they are a financial member for the purposes of Part 3.4. So, “financial member” would cover a family membership, provided the applicable family dues have been paid. Similarly, if someone is awarded lifetime membership and no financial dues are payable by them, they will be a “financial member”, as there are no applicable membership dues for them to pay. (Added August 2016) Revision
Q.63 A car is locked away, the owner is not financial or is deceased. The club is unable to retrieve the CPS number plate ?
A: The Club is not required to seek the plates to be returned back to the club that signed the permit. The vehicle cannot be used if the permit lapses and the plates should be returned to VicRoads. The club is not responsible for retrieving the CPS plates. It is the permit holder’s responsibility or their representative for returning or destroying the plates if the permit lapses. (New Aug 2016 )
Q.64 What is the timeframe for a VASS ? is it 30 days like a RWC ?
A: Yes it is 30 days, however if the vehicle is previously modified, and the VASS was originally done, VicRoads will accept the old VASS if the Vehicle has not been CPShandbookAmendments2015.doc 2 modified beyond this. For a new application for new modifications, then 30 days for the VASS and RWC. However for an existing modification it depends on: 1. If VicRoads were aware of this modification previously – then VicRoads will have the records and you are not required to produce the VASS. However VicRoads may not have these records readily accessible. 2. If the modifications were undertaken previously under the appropriate documentation at the time and it was accepted, then providing this should be sufficient evidence. 3. If the modifications were done as part of a compliance import (ie. Ford imports Factory LH drive cars modified to RHD and has the factory compliance from that time then this is sufficient, as VicRoads registered this in the first instance and the modification plates quite clearly demonstrate the modifications. (New Aug 2016)
Q.65 How is an imported LHD Vehicle and converted to RHD to be treated (eg. Mustangs)?
A: Any imported vehicle with a LH to RH Drive conversion either performed in Australia or overseas, is required to go on M Plates. There were a number of different ways these LHD vehicles could come into the country: · Factory imported and converted, · Single vehicle import more than 25 years ago, or · A recent import. In any event, the vehicle will have needed to be certified at the time or certified now and regardless how or when it was modified. As it is modified it will get an M plate. This provides certainty that the certification has occurred and VicRoads is aware of this. As an example, a Canadian Car with a certified RHD conversion was placed on the CPS before 31 Jan 2015 with H plates. Such a vehicle would go on M plates if it were put on the CPS today. A further example of a Factory Import (Ford executive first owner) and certified on original registration as RHD (as evidence by the vehicles history & compliance) – then this is an example of an H Plate and the M Plate not required.
H Plate to M Plate Transfers. There are 3 reasons why your existing H Plate Vehicle with modification will go onto M Plates:
Q.66 Are CPS Plates going to be made available in American sizes?
A: No. This would be an added complexity and would increase costs. (New Aug 2016)
Q.67 How should a Historic Rally car prepared to the original 1970’s rally specifications be treated for CPS?
A: Any modification to the vehicle needs to be viewed in light of compliance with VSI 33, 8 etc. Any new application for CPS will need to go onto the M Plate. A historic vehicle or originality for the original spec rally car is not the criterion for the H plate. (New Aug 2016)
Q.68 How is an individually constructed vehicle purchased 40 years ago, eg. a Ford GT40 replica to be treated on the CPS?
A. These were based on an individually constructed vehicle and the VASS signatory will have created a single representative manufacturer’s vehicle certification and as such, an M Plate would be required. (New Aug 2016)
Q.69 Can a company enter a vehicle into the CPS under its own name?
A. Yes. In fact the CPS application form has provision for a company to do this. CPShandbookAmendments2015.doc 3 However! Clubs which have adopted the Victorian (CAV) Model Rules may have to review the membership requirements as it applies to their club. Any club that use bylaws to provide additional rules applicable to their particular requirements e.g. life membership is not covered in the Model Rules. The Model Rules only nominate ‘any person’ may be a member. CAV recommend that a bylaw to reflect company membership of a club be used to clarify the membership situation. A typical format revision would be – (Refer to part 3 Division 1 (Membership) Rule 8 of Model Rules). Delete – ‘Any person who supports ——‘. Add (bylaw)
1. Membership of the Association shall be open to:
2. A registered business/corporation (company) may apply for membership in its own name.
3. A company applying for membership will appoint a representative. The representative will have the authority of the company to:
4. The company membership fee shall be determined by the committee. Note. The authority of the representative should be confirmed in writing to the club by letter on company letterhead or use of VicRoads form Authority to act as an agent for registration. (New Mar 2017)
Q.70 How do you display an original registration plate on a CPS Vehicle ?
A: You cannot. The vehicle would need to be fully registered. (New Aug 2016)
The following questions and answers are designed to assist in utilising this new online service.
Online club permit renewal is a service that allows applicants to renew their club permit via their myVicRoads account. The applicant can upload the completed and signed renewal form (or renewal form and club endorsement form) and make the payment.
This new online service removes the need for club permit holders to visit a VicRoads Customer Service Centre or use mail to renew a club permit.
How do I access the Club permits online renewal service?
This service is now available through your myVicRoads account. Club Permit vehicles will appear in the myVicRoads account of the permit holder and the renewal can be transacted using the online process.
If you cannot see the club permit vehicle in your myVicRoads account, please contact VicRoads on
13 11 71 to have your club permit linked to your account. This can only be done at the time of your renewal.
If you don’t have a myVicRoads account, go to to find out more and set up your account.
You are still able to process your renewal via the following once it is signed by a scruitineer:
VicRoads GPO Box 1644 MELBOURNE VIC 3001
No, the requirements associated with renewing a club permit remain the same. The renewal must be signed by the club permit holder and an authorised officer of the club/association to confirm that the permit holder is a current member of that club or association.
Note: Alternatively, the authorised officer can sign a ‘Club Permit Endorsement Form’ instead of a renewal form to approve the renewal request which must be uploaded/forwarded by the permit holder along with their signed renewal form. This form has been developed specifically to assist clubs endorse a renewal request with minimal to zero contact.
(see question 16 below)
No. If you wish to change the period of use from 45 days to 90 days or 90 days to 45 days, the renewal cannot be processed online. You can:
When a Club Permit is renewed online, the renewal receipt is sent via email as a pdf. This receipt is the validation, rather than the VicRoads stamp.
The renewal receipt can be printed and kept with the log book. Alternatively, a digital copy of the receipt can be saved such that it is readily available upon request by Victoria Police or any authorised officer. Failure to provide the receipt may results in penalties.
If the payment is made online, the log book will become valid when the renewal receipt pdf is received. The permit holder can retain a printed or a digital copy of the receipt as mentioned above to prove the validity of the log book.
Submitting an online renewal application and making payment does not complete the renewal process. This process is complete when you receive a renewal receipt pdf in the email.
If your club permit vehicle is expired, you must not drive your vehicle until your application has been processed and your ongoing financial membership of a recognised car club/association has been verified.
Renewal applications can take 3-5 business days.
You will receive an email from VicRoads to your nominated email address advising the outcome of your application.
Should your renewal application be rejected, your payment will be refunded (a cheque for the refund amount will be mailed to your address) and you will be advised via your nominated email address.
We have received lots of questions from customers who are unable to travel to their club to have the renewal form endorsed due to coronavirus restrictions. The best option is to print your completed form and then email to the club for their signature of the authorised officer, ask them to send it back via email and then submit the returned form online.
Also consider the use of the Club endorsement form (details below).
The club endorsement Form provides an alternative method to endorse the club permit renewal application and is to be used by the authorised officer of the club to confirm that the member requesting the renewal is a financial member of the club and the vehicle for which the renewal is sought is registered to the club.
This form has been developed specifically to assist clubs to endorse a renewal request with minimal to zero contact during the pandemic and make it easier for customers in regional areas in the future.
No. As mentioned above, use of a club permit endorsement form is an alternative method to endorsing a renewal application. As such, the club can choose to sign either of these forms to endorse the request for renewal by the permit holder.
Where the Club chooses to use the club permit endorsement form instead of signing the applicant’s renewal form, the applicant must attach both the forms – the renewal form completed and signed by the applicant and the endorsement form signed and completed by the club.
The authorised officer of the club must fill in the vehicle details based on the information held by the club and confirm the permit holder is a financial member of the club. Authorised officers include the club president, treasurer, secretary or permit scheme officer.
Note: The signature field is a non-editable field as VicRoads requires the original written signature of the authorised officer to verify the application and validate the signature against records.
Yes. The club can request the permit holder to forward the club permit renewal form to sign and endorse the permit renewal application. A stamped self-addressed envelope is to be included for it’s return to you for payment.
VicRoads currently does not record the model details of the vehicle on its club permit database. As such this field can be left blank while completing the Club Endorsement form.
The completed club permit endorsement form can be forwarded by the authorised officer as a photo or a scanned pdf to the club member as the online system will accept both as suitable formats.
Responsibilities of Club Permit holders
When driving a Club Permit vehicle, a permit holder must:
Club Permit holders must remain a member of an approved club.
A Club Permit vehicle must:
Club Permit holders must inform VicRoads within 14 days of:
In the process of applying for a Club Permit we will get you to sign a contract between yourself and the club. Reading all of the information attached is a requirement before signing.
UPDATE (4/4/2022)
Alignment of VicRoads club permit forms with the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021
VicRoads has updated a number of Club Permit forms to improve the vehicle data collected by VicRoads, and to ensure that the correct permit types and club permit plates are issued to eligible vehicles.
What do Club Permit Scheme clubs and members need to do?
The updated forms are now available on the VicRoads website at < > for you and your members to use.
– Club Permit application form
– Club Permit reassignment form
– Vehicle eligibility and standards declaration form
– Approved club office bearers and scrutineers
Please encourage your members to use these current forms rather than previous versions.
Why have these changes been made?
These forms now have an updated layout and align with the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2021.
Club Permit application
– There are only four categories of Club Permit – Veteran, Vintage, Classic and Historic, and Street Rod.
– Each category now has a sub-category – either Original, Modified or Replica.
– The documents required for each sub-category are listed at the bottom of the form.
Vehicle eligibility and standards declaration for Club Permit vehicles
– Now includes a record of the VASS approval certificate and Vehicle import details, where applicable.
Club permit reassignment and Club permit agreement
– Re-ordering of the data fields.
Club Permit logbook
– The Club Permit logbook has been updated to align with regulation changes.
New requirement – Classic and collectible vehicles imported from 1st July 2021 will be issued a VIN that must be stamped on the vehicle.
With the introduction of the Commonwealth Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 and Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019, vehicles imported from 1 July 2021 that do not already have a 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) stamped into the vehicle will be issued a VIN, which needs to be stamped on the vehicle.
Club members who are considering importing these vehicles should familiarise themselves with the new requirements as explained below.
Most classic and collectible vehicles are issued a chassis number by the vehicle manufacturer. Under the Commonwealth Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018 and Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019, these types of vehicles are now imported under the concessional entry pathway and recorded on the Register of Approved Vehicles (RAV).
As these vehicles do not have a 17-character VIN that meets the ISO standards, the Commonwealth Department of Transport Infrastructure Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC) will issue a VIN with the condition that the VIN must be stamped on the vehicle. It is an offence under the Commonwealth legislation if this condition is not complied with. A plate attached to the vehicle displaying the VIN is not acceptable.
The VIN provided by the Commonwealth via the RAV process is the identifier by which the vehicle must be known throughout Australia for registration and club permit purposes and is how the vehicle’s origin will be determined for the purpose of registration/CPS permit eligibility.
Further information
To find out more about the Club Permit Scheme obligations, search ‘Club Permit Scheme’ at < >.
To find out more about the RVS legislation please visit < >.
If you have read the Q&A information above and you think it might be for you and you still have any further questions regarding our Club Permit Scheme you should contact either;
Joe BORG (0478 311 341) Western Suburbs or
Bob REDWOOD (0419 348 817) Bendigo/Central area
Ron CAMPBELL (0428 520 535) Western/Geelong
Craig McKENZIE Co-Ordinator (0417 561 246) email:
who are our Club Permit Scheme officers.