Mustang Owners Club of Victoria Inc.


Mustang Owners Club Of Australia, Victoria INC.
P.O. Box 450
Hawthorn  3122
Victoria, Australia   

President Ian Collins 0411 026 824
Vice President Joe Borg 0478 311 341
Secretary Tony Borg 0411 406 760
Treasurer Adam Richmond 0423 449 125
Committee Rowdie McIntosh 0438 536 150
Committee Ken Harrison 0417 625 593
Committee Barry Bolton 0407 058 111
Committee Lino Avellino 0410 442 089
Committee Sue Brodrick
Committee Brian James 0417 361 019
Committee Deanne Colledge
Committee Peter Sheehan
National Delegate Ian Collins 0411 026 824
National Delegate Peter Sheehan 0438 600 721
A.O.M.C. Delegate Joe Borg 0478 311 341
C.A.M.S. Delegate Graham Bell 0419 326 261
C.A.M.S. Delegate Bob Lorich 0418 531 327
Motor Sport Coordinator Graham Bell 0419 326 261
Motor Sport Coordinator Bob Lorich 0418 531 327
Victorian State Shelby Representative Craig McKenzie 0417 561 246
Events Sub Committee Sue Brodrick 0418 195 525
Events Sub Committee De Colledge 0409 413 463
Property Officer Barry Bolton 0407 058 111
Central Victoria Co-ordinator John Chapman 0407 844 379
Central Victoria Events Co-ordinator Angela Williams 0438 699 515
Membership Co-ordinator Davina Collins 0405 410 253
Club Permit Scheme Co-ordinator Craig McKenzie 0417 561 246
Club Permit Scheme Officer Joe Borg 0478 311 341 (Western Suburbs)
Club Permit Scheme Officer Vacant (Northern Suburbs)
Club Permit Scheme Officer Bob Redwood 0419 348 817 (Bendigo/Central area)
Club Permit Scheme Officer Ron CAMPBELL 0428 520 535 (Western/Geelong area)
Tasmanian Coordinator Len Van Rossum 0429 592 373
Merchandise and Apparel Kerry Thomas-Roscrow 0431 321 907
Mustang Roundup Editor Colin Falso 0403 129 811
Website Administration Lino Avellino 0410 442 089

Life Members

Frank Hayes, Frank Thomson, Kevin Musgrave(Dec), Warwick Dowsley, Darryl Lowe, Graham Bell, Tom(Dec) & Bev Brereton, Ron Minogue, Ian Blume, Jim Lambie, John Chapman, Graham Folwell(Dec), Peter & Lorraine Richardson, Andre & Wendy Stoffers, Steve Lond(Dec), Nick and Kaye Duyvestyn,
Rowdie McIntosh,  Bruce Rigby, Ian Collins, Colin Falso